Today, I Became a Goose Girl

Have you ever heard of a Sebastopol Goose? I fell in love with these beauties years ago. To me, they are magical… like they could wave a wand and dance. Last year I watched my friend Leslie at The Fourteen Acres, raise hers on Instagram and I would just drool watching them grow and play… This year I have watched her Sebies lay eggs, and hatch their own goslings. And today, I was lucky enough to bring home three goslings from her flock. Today, I became a Goose Girl.

We had our first outside playtime and a dabble in a pie plate full of water. They slept in my lap and followed me to the back door when playtime was over and it was time to go in.

I have no hands-on knowledge of raising a GOOSE. But, I will learn. And I will share photographs of them growing and we can learn together what it takes to raise a GOOSE.

This is a mature Sebastopol that belongs to my friend Leslie. Isn’t she beautiful?


Meet Harley D, Our Newborn Cria


Cascarones (Confetti EGGS)